Monday, June 13, 2016

The United States of Women Summit - Pledge Your Next Action

Today I am preparing to attend the United States of Women Summit taking place in DC on Monday through Wednesday.  I am honored to be chosen for the work I do to encourage, inspire, mentor, and teach girls and women to consider careers in technology and tech startups.  I hope to spend some time with women in my regional community and meet some new contacts who are interested in the type of work I am doing. i also am excited to spend a day with likeminded women.  And if I get to see and hear Michelle Obama and Oprah speak, well, it will be a very good day, actually a really good day.  I am also speculating that a certain woman presidential candidate might make an appearance. I will have a lot to report back to my mom.

But I am all about what happens after a meeting, no matter what the size. Talk to anyone who has worked with me over the years and they will tell you I do not leave a meeting without action items. Otherwise, what was the point of meeting?  You talked to people, you learned a thing or two and then that is it.  And just as important as the action items is when the items will be completed.

When I look back on how TechGirlz moved from an idea in my head to the 5000 girls who have been through our TechShopz, when I think back on how Chariot Solutions went from a 10 person to 60 person company, when I see how the Women in Tech Summit has moved from our first event to three in one year, I know it was not just about the big idea, but the  many,small actionable steps we took along the way.

The next couple of days I will be making plans after I meet new people or reconnect with those I know. I will be listening, learning and then taking that information to formulate ideas with plans to execute on those ideas. I will have small steps to further the goals of my companies and groups I support.  

No one said change would be easy or fast. The real work begins on Thursday.

What actions will you be taking to make your pledge a reality? Please add your comments below or let me know on twitter (@twelsonrossman).  Make sure to use the #stateofwomen.

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